Ok, this is scary territory folks. I have read so many articles about going "poo free" in the last year or so, but I have never had the guts to try it. I don't buy the most expensive shampoo out there, but I do spend a decent amount on it because my skin is so sensitive I can't use the really cheap stuff. I spend about $7.00 per bottle on each shampoo and conditioner, and have bounced around from brand to brand over the years. I always find a shampoo that works really well for a while, and then all of a sudden, it seems to not work anymore. My hair feels greasy by the end of the day, it won't style right, and it is hard to control. Well, this time, instead of switching shampoo AGAIN, I am going to try going without it. Some websites suggest a transition period for going poo free, during which you slowly replace shampoo with your no-poo regimen, while others say go cold turkey. So, I think I am going to go cold turkey, for bit and see what happens. If my hair starts to get funky (many say this can happen at first because your body is used to producing excess oil to make up for what we remove when shampooing) then I will shampoo once or twice, and then switch back.
So, how does one clear their hair without shampoo you ask? Good old baking soda and vinegar!
Step one: Get in the shower and get hair wet, then pour on a bit of a baking soda and water mixture, rub it in good, then rinse it out.
Step two: Spray on mixture of apple cider vinegar and water, and let sit for a minute or two. Then rinse it out well.
That's it.
....Seems pretty simple! But only time will tell if this is really going to work or not. Wish me luck, and I will keep you posted!
DAY 1: Well, I did it. Wash with baking soda, rinse with apple cider vinegar. Just a simple blow dry, as usual. Not going to lie, my hair feels a little waxy. I have read that this is going to happen. But, it does look pretty great. It is super shiny, and soft at the ends. No vinegar smell that I can notice, but I am going to have my husband smell it when he gets home to get the final word. We will see where this goes.
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